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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on June’s Job Report


Today, the Department of Labor released June’s job statistics report which indicated that the United States added 18,000 jobs last month, with the national unemployment rate rising from 9.1 percent in May to 9.2 percent.  New York City’s unemployment rate for May sits at 8.6 percent.  Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement:


“Now is the time for this Republican led House of Representatives to bring a jobs bill to the House floor.  For nearly six months, Republicans have focused on severing the social compact that Americans have had for over a generation now, by threatening to cut essential social safety net programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, rather than focusing on job creation.  This  recent jobs report is a  clear sign that the American people need us to produce legislation, initiatives, and policies that help stimulate this economy. 


“Unfortunately, the unemployment rates in communities of color remain staggeringly high, among African Americans it sits at 16.2 percent, and among Hispanic Americans it sits at 11.6 percent.  This is inexcusable. That is why the Congressional Black Caucus has launched the “For the People” Jobs Initiative, to help bring focus on the need to stimulate job growth for minorities who are often times ‘the last hired, and the first fired’ across the Unites States.  As a Member of the House Small Business Committee, I also believe one way to address these high unemployment rates is to provide our nation’s small businesses, particularly women and minority owned businesses, with the tools they need to access capital to stimulate real job growth. 


“On behalf of the residents of the 11th Congressional District of New York as well as the rest of the nation, know that I will continue to support policy, initiatives and legislation that create jobs and spurs economic growth.”

