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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on the State of the Union Address

Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement after President Barack Obama delivered the State of the Union address:

“I commend President Obama for having a vision that fights for hard working Americans, the middle class and the aspiring middle class.  He has provided a blueprint consistent with our American ideals, aimed at putting more Americans to work, and the restoration of the American dream.  President Obama highlighted in his plan a pathway to create more jobs through:

·         American Innovation and Manufacturing;

·         American Ingenuity through Alternative Energy development and production;

·         Job Training and Skills Development opportunities for American Workers and

·         Core American Values that emphasize fairness and personal responsibility.

“We have much work ahead of us to restore the strength of our economy.  However, we are already seeing signs of progress. We must bear in mind that through the economic policies House Democrats have pursued together with the leadership of  President Obama and Senate Democrats, 3.2 million private sector jobs were added in the last 22 months.  

“It’s time for all people of good will to move beyond our ideological differences and come together as a nation in support of common sense initiatives that create jobs, improve education, strengthen small businesses and place our nation firmly on the path to prosperity once again.  I look forward to working with the White House to make certain that all Americans enjoy the benefits of our nation’s economic recovery, especially the people I represent in the 11th Congrssional District of New York.”
