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U.S. Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Statement on the Supreme Court Ruling to Strike Down Parts of S.B. 1070

Brooklyn, NY – On Monday, June 25, the Supreme Court held unconstitutional several provisions of Arizona’s immigration law that would have criminalized immigrants who have not registered with the federal government or have attempted to obtain employment without proper documentation.  However, the Supreme Court upheld a provision that requires police officers to determine the status of any person detained or arrested.  Representative Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement regarding this decision:

“Although I am pleased that the Supreme Court has held sections of Arizona’s immigration law unconstitutional, including a provision that authorized the warrantless arrest of any person who police believe could potentially be deported, I am disappointed that Arizona will continue to require police officers to question the immigration status of people suspected of being in this country undocumented,” said Representative Clarke.

“This provision promotes racial profiling and establishes in the United States, apartheid that existed in South Africa, by requiring immigrants including citizens with certain last names or accents to carry their identification at all times. This ruling, which has serious implications for immigrants in the 11th Congressional District of New York and across this nation, demonstrates the urgent need for the type of comprehensive immigration reform that my colleagues and I have been fighting for years to implement.

“Let us never forget that our country was founded, and made great, by those who came here seeking a better life for themselves and their families—the American Dream. We cannot turn our back on the men and women, who look to our country as a beacon of hope.” concluded Representative Clarke.