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Rep. Yvette D. Clarkes Offers Condolences In The Passing Of Rep. Juanita Millendar-McDonald

U.S. Representative Yvette D. Clarke (NY-11), made the following statement on the House floor today in memory of Rep. Juanita Millendar-McDonlad:

“Madame Speaker, I just wanted to take a moment today to express my heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and constituents of Congresswoman Juanita Millendar-McDonald and pay tribute to her legacy of leadership and her profound impact on this institution, the people she has served and indeed the nation.

Chairwoman McDonald was a trail blazer who paved the way for me to be elected to serve in the 110th Congress.  I am crystal clear of the legacy of integrity and excellence that she has imparted to each and every one of us.  I embrace it and can truly say that, she has touched my life.  Though we were colleagues in the body for a short while, we had many moments of interactions that were truly empowering.  She never missed a moment to be encouraging and complementary.  Just a week ago before our Chairwoman took her leave from the Congress, we encountered one another in this very chamber.  She inquired of me about how I was doing?  My response to her was, æI’m just trying to keep up with you Madame Chair.’  She smiled her beautiful and elegant smile and said to me æYou’re doing it girl.’

It has truly been a blessing for me to have been acknowledged and encouraged by this truly remarkable, elegant and extraordinary role model.  The legacy of Congresswoman Juanita Millendar-McDonald will never be forgotten.  It has been imparted to all of us and it will certainly always reside with me.  God bless you Sister.  Thank you for all you have given to each and every one of us.”

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