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Rep. Clarke Statement on Passing of Rep. Tubbs Jones

Rep. Clarke Statement on Passing of Rep. Tubbs Jones082008stjpassingPublish0richtext0Press ReleasesPress Releases8/20/2008 12:00—–BODY:
“I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of my close friend and esteemed colleague the Hon. Stephanie Tubbs Jones.  I offer my prayers and well wishes to her family and the people she so diligently represented in Ohio. 

Rep. Tubbs Jones will always have a special place in my heart.  As a Member-elect, Stephanie reached out to me and has served as a mentor, guiding me through my first 19 months as a Member of the House.


God bless you Stephanie, I know you will be looking down on us and serving as a guide from heaven.  You will be a trail blazer in heaven as you were on earth.”

