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February 5, 2016

Call for the US to Address Current Civil Unrest In Haiti

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January 19, 2016

Executive Action on Immigration to be Argued before Supreme Court

“President Obama’s executive action for immigrant families in the United States is a common-sense, reprioritization of resources designed to provide relief for immigrant family…
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January 6, 2016

Congresswoman Clarke’s Support for Executive Order to Tackle Gun Violence

Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement in support of President Obama's executive order expanding background checks on the sale of guns and encouraging…
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December 8, 2015

Black Caucus Members Tell FCC AllVid Would Be Disaster

“Cable operators have an ally in Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) and 29 other members of the Congressional Black Caucus when it comes to their opposition to turning the sunset of…
Read More (Black Caucus Members Tell FCC AllVid Would Be Disaster)

December 8, 2015

End delay for undocumented Caribbean nationals

“Caribbean American Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke has filed a brief with the United States Supreme Court.”…
Read More (End delay for undocumented Caribbean nationals)

December 8, 2015

The new attack on voting rights: It’s Southern states against their black citizens

“Hundreds of mourners packed Brooklyn’s Emmanuel Baptist Church on a bright, sunny Saturday to celebrate the life of Jacqueline Ann (Jackie) Berrien, whose sudden loss to…
Read More (The new attack on voting rights: It’s Southern states against their black citizens)