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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke’s Statement on July’s Job Report

Today, the Department of Labor released July’s jobs report which indicates the United States added a total of 117,000 jobs in July, and the unemployment rate fell from 9.2 percent in May to 9.1 percent in June.  New York City’s unemployment rate however rose to 8.7 percent in June from 8.6 percent in May.  Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement:

“While these numbers indicate some much needed increase in job growth, Congress’ number one priority needs to be ensuring that we create legislation that helps to create jobs.  People continue to struggle through this economic downturn and we cannot stand idly by and do nothing. 

 “This Republican-led House can no longer ignore the fact that there needs to be policies, initiatives, and legislation that address job growth.  While addressing deficit reduction is important, our nation’s economic stability comes first….meaning jobs.  Know that I will continue to push for job creation and the protection of vital social safety net programs that protect our nation’s working poor and aspiring middle class.”
