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Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke Receives a Perfect Score on the National Environmental Scoreboard Issued by the League of Conservations Voters (LCV)

This week, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released their 2011 National Environmental Scoreboard.  Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke earned a perfect 100 percent for her voting record on a range on issues including the environment. 


“I want to thank the League of Conservation Voters for acknowledging my position and awarding such high marks.  The environment remains a critical issue of our time and we must continue to push policy that positively affects it,” said Congresswoman Clarke.


The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is a national non-profit organization who for the past 40 years, has issued the National Environmental Scorecard, a nationally recognized scoring system used to rate members of Congress based on their votes pertaining to environmental, public health, and energy issues.


“While many do not realize it, the way we handle these issues, dictates the way we succeed as a nation.  I am grateful for this recognition and I will continue to work with my colleagues to develop policies that help protect our environment,” stated Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke. 


