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King Hearing on Somali Radicalization Struggles to Stay on Track

July 28, 2011

King Hearing on Somali Radicalization Struggles to Stay on Track

King Hearing on Somali Radicalization Struggles to Stay on Track Wednesday, July 27, 2011 By Arun Venugopal Rep. Peter King conducted the third in his series of hearings examining…
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July 22, 2011

Republicans Fight To Weaken Consumer Financial Protection Agency, Obama Threatens Veto

Republicans Fight To Weaken Consumer Financial Protection Agency, Obama Threatens Veto Obama Cfpb Cordray Republicans By JIM ABRAMS   07/21/11 02:20 PM ET   AP WASHINGTON —…
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July 21, 2011

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Co-Author’s Letter to President Obama Opposing the HALT Act

Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY) joined Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) in authoring a letter to President Barack Obama denouncing…
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July 20, 2011

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Votes against the Cut, Cap and Balance Act

Yesterday, Rep. Yvette D. Clarke voted against H.R. 2560, the Cut, Cap and Balance Act.  She released the following statement: “It is unfortunate that the Republican Majority in…
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July 14, 2011

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Joins Democrats in Condemning the HALT Act

Washington, DC- Today, Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY) joined Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and other Members of Congress in condemning the HALT (Hinder the Administration’s…
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July 13, 2011

Rep. Yvette Clarke’s Statement on the Death of Leibby Kletzky

Washington, DC- Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke today released the following statement on the tragic death of eight-year-old Leibby Kletzky: “With the people of central Brooklyn,…
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